A forest is more than
a collection of trees
- It is an ancient, unfathomably complex relationship.
Over a century and a half of intensive and pervasive ecosystem exploitation has led to a drastic decline of ecologically functional and resilient forests across British Columbia.
WolfTree is an organization dedicated to the art and science of rehabilitating degraded forest ecosystems. It was born from an understanding that only diverse, complex, and functional ecosystems stand a chance in the face of the dire climate and biodiversity crises that are upon us.

What is a Wolf Tree?
A Wolf Tree is a large, regal tree that has grown in natural conditions that shaped it into a timeless custodian that sustains and shelters all life around it for millennia.
Why Wolf Tree?
The Wolf Tree has long been seen as an unruly and wasteful tree that, like the wolf, preys on valuable resources, and likewise must be culled, if a profit is to be made. Just as an awareness for the essential role that the wolf plays in countless ecosystems is growing, the Wolf Tree serves as a powerful symbol for the complete reversal of values that must take place if we are to begin mending our torn relationships with our ailing forests (and one another).
Core Objectives
Conducting and producing research about forest ecology and restoration. A profound understanding must precede any intervention lest we repeat the errors of the past.
Raising awareness for the immeasurable value of natural, healthy forests, the ways we continue to harm them, and what we can do for them.
Applying innovative, uniquely tailored solutions to address the challenges raised by each forest. We combine established, well studied methodologies with novel solutions developed by us.
Born out of a deeply personal relationship with forests, and a grave concern for their future.
WolfTree was founded out of a sense of urgency—a recognition that the storm is already upon us. As British Columbia is overtaken by an onslaught of unprecedented fires, floods, droughts, and heat domes, as well as a steep decline in biodiversity, WolfTree was founded to lay the foundation and practice a new form of relationship with our forests—one that could one day be applied on a continental scale.
Not only is WolfTree’s mission complex, so is its story. To learn more about the origins and goals of WolfTree:
Collaborations and Partnerships
Pender Conservancy